
Cervical Screening and Smear Tests

Cervical Smear Tests

The cervical smear test looks for changes in the cells of the cervix, which could turn into cervical cancer if not treated. Additionally, the smear assesses for presence of HPV (Human Papillomavirus).

What to expect at your smear test appointment:

  • Consultation with Miss Hayes
  • Full history to assess for risk factors
  • Examination of cervix with a speculum and cervical cell smear taken
  • Notification of results which usually take around one week
  • Written medical report which can be posted or emailed to you and any health professional(s) of your choice
  • Referral to another specialist if required (e.g., for a Colposcopy)

Outpatient Hysteroscopy

An outpatient hysteroscopy is suitable for women who have:

  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Heavy periods
  • Missing IUD/ coil threads
  • Small polyps
  • Breakthrough bleeding on HRT / the contraceptive pill

What does a Hysteroscopy involve?

As an outpatient procedure, an outpatient hysteroscopy is performed in a treatment room in the clinic and lasts between 5 and 30 minutes.

A hysteroscope (a small thin light filled tube with a camera) is inserted into the vagina and passes through the cervix. The camera sends images to an external monitor so the consultant can review them.

A small sample (biopsy) from the lining is taken and sent for analysis. Small polyps can also be removed at this time, coils can also be removed or inserted if necessary, at this time.

As there is no general anaesthesia needed you can go home about half an hour after the procedure.